
Super Cub!

It's not a bad motorcycle, it's a groovy little motor bike.

Priscilla on the Super Cub. It's a 1964. That's around the time her vintage Chairman Mao shoulder bag was made. The Chinese writing translates to "serve the people". She's looking like a revolutionary coed from the early 60s.

Take it from the top! Her vintage dress just matches her vintage Cub.

Yes officer, this is illegally registered as a moped. But, isn't this a lovely day?

The Super Cub and clothesline. It's like a sustainability festival! The owners manual says 200MPG! The clothesline drys clothes without electric or gas. We don't need tomorrow's technology. we need yesterday's!

I mean, don't you just want to cuddle with it. After riding it around town?

Priscilla and I will be married. We got engaged and I'm happier than about it than anything ever before. Hooray!

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